• N. N. Kurova Сыктывкарский государственный университет имени Питирима Сорокина,
  • O. Y. Melekhova Управление Федеральной налоговой службы России по Республике Коми
Ключевые слова: нотариальные действия, свидетельство о праве на наследство, нотариат, наследование


Статья посвящена процедуре совершения нотариальных действий по выдаче свидетельства о праве на наследство. Раскрыты нормативно-правовое регулирование, основные признаки и стадии нотариального производства по наследственным делам, а также возникающие на практике сложности, связанные с оформлением наследственных прав. В заключение предложен алгоритм устранения выявленных проблем.


Данные скачивания пока не доступны.


Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries (approved by the RF Armed Forces on 11.02.1993 No. 4462-1) (as amended on 02.07.2021) // SZ RF. 2019. No. 46. Art. 6416.

Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 30.08.2017 No. 156 (revised from 30.09.2020) “On the approval of the Regulations for the performance of notarial acts by notaries, establishing the amount of information required by a notary to perform notarial acts, and the method of recording it” (together with the “Regulations by notaries of notarial actions, establishing the amount of information required by a notary to perform notarial actions, and the method of recording it “, approved by the decision of the FNP Board dated 28.08.2017 No. 10/17, by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 30.08.2017 No. 156) (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia 06.09.2017 No. 48092). Access mode: https: // www.consultant.ru (date of access: 11.11.2021).

Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 04.16.2014 No. 78 (revised from 30.09.2020) “On approval of the Rules of notarial office work” (together with the “Rules of notarial office work”, approved by the decision of the Board of the Federal Tax Service dated 17.12.2012, by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 16.04 .2014 No. 78) (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 23, 2014 No. 32095). Access mode: https: // www.consultant.ru (date of access: 11.11.2021).

Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 30.09.2020 No. 225 “On approval of the Procedure for introducing registers of the unified information system of notaries, entering information into them, including the procedure for correcting technical errors made in such registers (together with the” Procedure for introducing registers of the unified information system of notaries, entering information into them, including the procedure for correcting technical errors made in such registers “, approved by the decision of the FNP Board dated September 16, 2020 No. 16/20, by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated September 30, 2020 No. 225) (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 05, 2020 No. 60214). Access mode: https: // www.consultant.ru (date of access: 11.11.2021).

Kotsoeva K.O. Participation of a notary in hereditary relations // Fundamental foundations of innovative development of science and education: collection of articles. articles of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Penza, April 23, 2020 Penza: Science and Education (IP Gulyaev G.Yu.), 2020, pp. 123-125.

Guidelines for registration of inheritance rights, approved. by the decision of the FNP Board dated 25.03.2019, minutes No. 03/19. Access mode: https: //www.consultant.ru (date of access: 11.11.2021).

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part three) of November 26, 2011 No. 146-FZ (as amended on March 18, 2019) // SZ RF. 2019. No. 12. Art. 1224.

Как цитировать
Kurova, N., & Melekhova, O. (2021). НОТАРИАЛЬНЫЕ ДЕЙСТВИЯ ПО ВЫДАЧЕ СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВА О ПРАВЕ НА НАСЛЕДСТВО. Russian Studies in Law and Politics, 5(2-3), 32-39. извлечено от https://lpjournal.ru/jour/index.php/rslp/article/view/94
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